Setting Intentions

Today we enter the first day of a New Moon cycle. This is a time to prepare and set intentions as we navigate through this lunar phase. It is in my nature to self-reflect and correct what must be corrected in order to achieve my goals. It is a time for me to be centered-focused…how do I feel, what needs to shift in order to be at my very best. What are my short-term goals to get me to where I need to be…regardless of how dramatic or subtle of a change is required.

For me, my daily focus is how I feel. Am I tired. Is my body performing optimally (digestively speaking). Am I focused. Do I have energy. How can I be exceptional if any one of those things are off?

Therefore, setting intentions has become an important ritual for me during this dark moon phase. There are four primary moon cycles: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter. What I like to do is set benchmarks for each cycle. That means I have 8 days to achieve my first short-term goal before the First Quarter Moon arrives (September 11th) and so on.

After experiencing years of digestive and physical challenges, I am open minded to the fact that the moon impacts us in more ways than we think. And if I can channel and leverage the impact the moon phase has on me, I am open to anything that could help center my being in order to feel more balanced in this world.

I want to be mindful of my body knowing exactly how it feels when it is performing the way it was meant to. I want to focus my energy towards achieving my goal and remain determined to push myself in all the necessary ways. I want to clear my mind of all the noise our daily lives bring, so that I can truly center myself.

When I bring this level of energy and intention to my plan, I will go far.


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