Taco Soup

Perfect for any night of the week, Taco Soup is packed with flavor and will make you crave more. With snow on the ground and chilly temperatures, this is one soup I love to have simmering on the stovetop.

Taco soup has become popular over the years with a wide variety of ingredients from ranch dressing to packets of taco seasoning. Unfortunately, many such prepared seasonings contain a non-caking agent made from wheat which is not ideal for Celiacs or those minding their lectin intake. Not to mention the high level of salts I’ve come across in several ingredient lists as well.

Be assured that no gluten will be found in our recipes. Ever. Although this is considered Low Lectin (because of the tomatoes), I can still eat a hearty amount without feeling any unwanted side effects. And as usual, it gets even better the next day!

Click here to check out this recipe: Taco Soup

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